Video of the Week 5/27

Ok so you know I'm kind of an old soul. If you've seen my VOTWs, you can tell that I like to go back in the day and bring back things because there are very few feelings like an "I remember when.." The first few VOTWs had been easy. They were some of my favorite YouTube videos. As this has gone on, its gotten a little more difficult to find good videos. So in order to keep the weekly thing going, I have to more diligently search. Hopefully, as it goes on, my video selections can become more influential as well as entertaining like last weeks Dick Gregory selection. If you haven't looked at it then I encourage you to do so.

This weeks selection takes us back to the mid 1990s and we're talking about wrestling. Yes wrestling. First of all, more of you people like this stuff more than you care to admit. Monday Night Raw and Smackdown ratings are always through the roof! So don't tell me that pro wrestling is on the fringes of society. Its about as mainstream as anything on TV.

Anyway, the nWo was a stroke of creative genius. WCW took the biggest names of the industry at that time, and hooked them together in a gang like faction. It changed the game. Until then, wrestling was on that super hero shit. You know, the "The Power of Hulkamania and the, prayers, vitamins" all that. The nWo changed that and they used the game's biggest superhero, Hulk Hogan to do it. His switch from superhero to supervillain, the donning of Black, and the formation of a motorcycle type gang which terrorized the locker room is pretty universally recognized as the greatest storyline in the history of the industry. These moves by an innovative creative staff revitalized a drained dry wrestling industry. It reinvented those characters and gave it a brand new feel.

My video selection is a synopsis of the New World Order days of the mid 1990s - the Golden Age of pro wrestling. People may say it was the '80s. Bullshit. Back in the 80s they were going around still trying to convince us that it was real. Today I don't follow wrestling as much as I used to, though I'm glad there are much more Black wrestlers in the game now. But I was a rebellous, degenerate teenager at the time and couldn't wait for Monday nights then (especially when I could flip back and fourth with WWF and Monday night football). Watching them, I became a wrestling freak. WCW and the nWo may have ran its course and is longer around, but the mark they left on the game is unquestioned. The nWo brought wrestling to a new era in pop culture, and transformed monday nights forever.

Posted on YouTube by Ewok30000


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