The Peace of the Still

First time in a long time I turned off my TV and/or radio and opened the blinds all the way while I'm working. Quite liberating. First the sound of a steady rain, then the sky clears, the sun shines, the breeze blows, the birds sing, and people come out. Kinda relaxing to just listen to nature do its thing. Not to mention I've gotten a whole hell of a lot more done today.

But I did stop to ask one question: Why do we, as humans, talk about nature as if its seperate from us? We're in this thing called an ecosystem too! We're in it, we're of it, and we're a part of it. And that's not a bad thought.

Random Thought: And now this from the "You ain't slick" department. I remember a few years ago, during the time of the World Cup, one of my Mexican associates, in some kind of mock shit talking fuss, said to his homie, "Fuck you, ese!" (For the sake of disclosure, I am of Mexican heritage-2nd generation American born but anyway) Now he may have been fooling others around me, but he sure as hell didn't fool me. I knew his front. He was saying "Fuck USA". He gave himself away by how he looked around after he said it too. He had that "What? What did I say?" look on his face. He knew what he did and most importantly, he knew he was busted.

You ain't slick.


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