The Appeal to a Consumer.

I am a consumer.

Meaning anytime my money is involved, I will cater and spend my money for a good, enjoyable, or enhancing product. When you ask me to financially support this artist or that artist, please don't come at me with an angle of.."Support Bay Area Artists" or something like that. Forget the localities or even the racial or cultural ID's. I will buy music that I like and will enjoy listen to, not because you are a Bay Area artist or whatever else.

I bring this point up ironically because it was in the mid 1990s that as a Bay Area kid, I listened to primarily East Coast Rap music. Of course, I got a lot of crap for that; and it didn't help that the East and West Coasts were in a lil' beef with one another which started in Hip Hop and expanded to many aspects of our culture. Needless to say, I was singled out by a lot of my Bay Area peoples (I was living in Texas at this time). I was called a sell out, traitor, an East Coaster, a New Yorker. The ribs on me were free flowing. Damn though, I'm sorry but being from the Bay or being from the West never guaranteed that I would like your shit! Hell, you want me to support you? I'll just give you $15. At least you'll see that whole $15 instead of me buying your CD and then watching it get chipped off by all the people who will take their cut and see you only end up with about $1.06 of that! Look, I hope you do well and just because I don't like the style, doesn't mean I hope nobody else does either. Well wishes, best of respect, sell as much as you can but if I don't like the music, I'm not buying. Nothing I hate more than buying bad music!

Sports too! I've been thinking long and hard about renewing my season tickets to the Raiders for this coming football season. I just don't know. I know I'm supposed to come out and support the team, as I have done the past three seasons but once again, I am a consumer! When it comes to my money, I have to believe with confidence that its dollars well spent. Maybe last year when I had the excess $600 to throw at it then it was no problem. This year is gonna be different. Its never a good sign when you're at a game and you wish you were somewhere else. Again I face questions about my support of my favorite football team from die hards who are there no matter what and actually, I wish I was as forgiving a consumer as I am a person. In truth though, I'm not and neither are many others.

Of course there are exceptions. Sometimes I'll buy something from someone that I may never have use for just because I appreciate the work, the effort, and the uniqueness of what is provided or produced. As an artist (drawing and sketching), I definitely appreciate that. And I do prop people up. As I poster earlier, even if you're style is not my style that doesn't mean I don't respect it nor does that mean I won't talk you up.

Just remember that when you're talking business, talk business. In this industry of services, the service had better be of quality to the eyes of the consumer or else you're not gonna get people to look your way. Its like my blog. It had better get better in the eyes of a lot of people and draw interest or else it will continue to be in obscurity!


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