No Oscars for Me.

I didn't watch the Oscars tonight. I never do. I'm not the biggest fan of award shows to begin with, but the Oscars moreso because I never really cared if a movie won an award or not. An Academy Award was never necessary to tell me if a movie I saw was good or not. And for real; do I look like I care about what people are wearing?

This year, I have no interest because I have no real connection with the show, or any of the films involved. Sure I saw Avatar and I thought it was good, but did I like it enough to care whether it beat out a bunch of other movies that I haven't seen? Probably not. That said, I respect all the work and all the performances on screen over the past year. The making of a motion picture is still one of the more fascinating things to me; and I can only pay my respects.


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