Why I Hate Analysts

Okay, first off, I think analysts are cool. I appreciate their insight, and their ability to bring things further to light..and to life. I believe life is about experiences and anytime an expert can heighten my experience, you're cool in my book. The problem comes when the so-called analysis starts to take away from the experience.

I love an analyst who can provide a perspective. Someone who can tell me just what in the hell is going on, or just what I'm looking at, what to look for, or simply, how things are.

But when you are one of those people who do what you like to call an "in-depth breakdown" of whatever that is, please spare me. Now you're just hearing yourself talk....kinda like what I do here! Hahahaha

Seriously though, sometimes I just like to watch the game, or the movie, or look at the art, or listen to the speech, or listen to the song. Some analysis is valid based on a person's knowledge. But you people know the difference between explaining just what's going on and breaking down, in-depth, a bunch of nonsense. I've never needed movie critics, album critics, studio analysts, or political pundits. I know a good movie when I see one, good music when I hear it, a good game when I see it, and a good politician IF EVER I see one! You have that much to say, write a damn book and make some money off of it. Or start a blog like me and just hope people read it. Hmmm...sounds like I got mines mixed up myself.


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