No Complaints

"I ain't got nothin' to complain about. You know where I'm from, you know where I'm at so you know I'm flyin' high."  -K'Naan

I can't really complain about my life, but some things could be better. I mean, I'm an easy guy to get along with, but my phone never rings and I hardly get texts nowadays. I have a loving family that I know cares about me, but how come no one ever comes to see me? And very few people even call to check up on me. Where's everybody at? So wrapped up in their own lives that they hardly ever get around to me. And I hardly ever get a chance to get out in the sun. I have some good friends, but when do I get to hang out? How about never. I live in an amazing place with amazing weather, and all I do is spend a majority of my time at home, with rare oppuriunities to hang out and enjoy an active soical life. Why? Because I work at odd hours of the night at a job that takes all of my day, my strength, my energy, and my mentality. I have a job that pays well, and the physical health and strength to carry it out; and I can't even get that right. Hell, if I'm gonna work, at least I could work full shifts, 5 days a week, instead of being fed crappy hours at crappy times. And I do everything by myself around here. I manage my bills, my meals, and my home all by myself. A guy could really use a little help here! But no! Why? Because I'm with an amazing woman that loves and cares about me, but she's 7,000 miles away right now! So far away. Can't even see her, do things with her, or even partner up and take on life together!

I'm just sayin'. I'm usually all smiles but there's a lot of aggrivating shit in my life from day to day.  I really do love life but, damn. Can I get a break? Can I get a normal week of work, a weekend with friends, and an evening with the girlfriend? That's all I ask.

Whew, now that that's off my chest.  Lemme look at it again.

I can't really complain about my life. I'm an easy guy to get along with. I have a loving family that I know cares about me. I have some good friends. I live in an amazing place with amazing weather. I have a job that pays well, and the physical health and strength to carry it out. I manage my bills, my meals, and my home all by myself. I'm with an amazing woman that loves and cares about me. I'm usually all smiles. I really do love life.

We all have a little steam to blow off, and its okay. Sometimes I get sick of the 'count your blessings crew'. Although they are as right on as can be, it still feels good to just talk shit about the little things that annoy you. At the end of the day, though. We're all brought back to what it really is about: Gratitude.


  1. Thanks for the Twitter mention. I 'feel' ya. At times I am reminded of the young pup chasing his own tail going in circles, but remember I am an old dog and relate more to wolves anyways. This too shall past and tomorrow is always a brand new day. ~Namaste, Che Peta ;->~~


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