Monday Morning Thoughts

Alright, so something I was attempting to do when I came back from my last hiatus was to create a random weekly post that simply allowed me to get some quick hit thoughts out there.  The original plan was for it to be a Sunday evening thing.  But in the two and a half years since that initial idea, I think that the better play will be to do it for Monday mornings.  I also think it's a good way to start the week off in a solid direction.  Perhaps more for me than the reader, firing off these thoughts will hopefully be a way to get my mind right as a new week dawns.  So, leggo!

The job situation is getting as dicey as ever and now, more than ever, I am convinced that my future is not there.  I have already spoken to people about transferring to different facilities, or even an opportunity to advance within the company.  If there's one thing my 10 year anniversary revealed, it's simply how long I've been doing the same thing.  It's boring and unfulfilling!  This was the inspiration behind my 'Doing the Hard Stuff' post earlier.  My work has become easy, and perhaps that's what sucks.  No challenge, no evolution of my brainpower; just the same ol'.  Stale.  But the hard stuff is going out and finding more work.  The hard stuff is facing the employers and facing my lack of education and my history, and having to answer for the mistakes of my late teens and early 20s; that time in life when so much of one's future is shaped.  The hard stuff is facing the reality of maybe having to move from a place, or even a region, where I've been so comfortable.  However, it's the hard stuff of facing these things that must be done.

Finding out that you're better off without someone or something that you wanted so desperately has to be one of the most conflicting feelings in the human consciousness.  It makes you cry out "WHY CAN'T THIS WORLD BE SIMPLE??!!"  The fact is, though, that it kind of is simple.  I mean, we're the one's that complicate shit because we want things that aren't always ideal for us.  Whether it's bad food, bad people, or bad situations, we want whatever releases those hormones: You know the main ones: dopamine, endorphins, all those feels that give us the feels.  In recent months, I've had to give up the girl I loved, and some of the food I've loved.  Talk about a two piece harder than the ones George Foreman hit Michael Moorer with... allegedly (look it up!) But.. the harder blow came when I realized that I was better for this.  You don't want to believe that you're better without something you love.  But sometimes, it's true.  It's just more 'hard stuff' that we have to face, and you'll find that once faced, the release is amazing. 

Despite potential money issues in the upcoming months, I'm still planning a big 2018 trip.  Why?  Because my saving skills over the years have been soooo impeccable.  Oh, and also, fuck you.  That's why.  Life is short.  Have a go.

Speaking of the old F-word, a friend and I, back when we used to sorta-kinda date and back at a time when it was cool to call ourselves hashtag 'Team-(insert whatever team here) we named ourselves #TeamFuckIt.  The idea behind it was we would counter apprehension and hesitation by simply saying "fuck it" and going for it.  It wasn't so much giving ourselves permission to make bad decisions, but it was giving ourselves permission to go for things that may be a little risky, but that had high reward.  As intelligent people, you gotta have the confidence in yourself to trust your instincts, your life skills, and your discipline.  Overthinking is a curse.  Believe me.  I speak from experience.  By saying "F-it, lets go", that's a way of simply and decidedly casting away indecision and overthinking and going for it.  Years later, it has served me.  So, anyone down to join Team Fuck It??

And finally, something random: I'm trying something new this week, and it's totally random.  I'm taking a random word from a random word generator site (The internet really does have everything!), and learning everything about that word.  I'm talking about definitions, pronunciations, synonyms, antonyms, what rhymes with that word, the word in Spanish, as much as possible!  I just think it would be a nice way to practice learning something new and expanding that brain power every single day.  Maybe you'd like to join me.  Let me know, we can share our experience!

Longer post than I thought; hope I kept your attention.  But if not, that's your fault.  Get your attention span weight up!

Let's do it again next week.


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