Improving the Human Condition

Got some worries about the future of this society and of humanity. Been sitting here this evening and my mind has been somewhat burdened about it. Where are we, as a human race, going? I don't watch much news but I watched a little bit today.

The human condition can tend to grieve me sometimes. Shit is bad, yall. I see no connection and interaction. A see a whole helluva lot more hate and distrust then I do love and peace. I've lived the messed up life before and it grieves me that for so long I just didn't get what it is to be self-secure, to live freely and happily. I don't blame too much of anybody for all the crap, I just feel for everybody because of the pain gained and the pain aimed. Everybody's hurting. Everybody's stressing. Everybody's under enormous pressure and strain.

I know there are a lot of things from a social, cultural, and political standpoint that can improve the human condition; but I'm one of those who believe that true, honest human connection can go a long way in alleviating a lot of the pain people feel. Saying 'hello' 'thank you' 'I love you' 'Bless you' really can and do make a person's day and week that much better. Small things like genuine, appreciation, compliments, well wishes, and the like can really go towards improving the human condition. I hope I can roll with that attitute daily.
Thank you for reading.


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