Enjoying the Art

Finally feeling the love for my art coming back. I did a small lil portrait. It took me forever, and it will end up on the cutting room floor, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I wanna sketch another one but its getting late and I should be getting to bed. Hey, art is my life. Its why I draw, and why I write. The purpose is to create a pictre; either in written word, or in a visual scene. I love the imagination's role in life.

Meanwhile, this Laker game is pretty good. I don't know if LA has enough this year. Should be interesting to see who wins the NBA. And which star players will get the 'God Treatment' from fans, media, and so on!

You can probably tell, I can't stand hero worship. It takes a team to win but somehow that gets lost in the adoration of one superstat athlete!

I'd rather just draw a picture...or tell you about it.


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