The Face of Disaster

What a horrible tradegy in Haiti. A 7.0 Earthquake is a burtal thing to have to deal with, especially if you're talking about the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and an infrastructure unequipped to handle disasters of this magnitude, and the fact that this country is still recovering from other disasters that have happened in the past year.

Here in Cali, on the heels of every earthquake, we take stock of our preparations for our 'big one'. I found out this morning that I'm basically sitting atop of or very near the North Hayward faultline which runs through the likes of the cities of El Cerrito and Richmond. My apartment building also is not very modern, as my apartment complex is going on its 50th year.

So definately there are causes of concern for my fellow neighbors and I.

All we can do is prepare, have the information we need and just continue to live, which, living here, is not too hard to do.

Meanwhile, may we as humanity continue to aid and be there for the suffering people who all but have lost not only lives and homes, but a country as well.


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