The Humility of a Desired Learner
It takes a special kind of person to always want to learn. Going through life as though a student, seeing new lessons and new ways to grow is not an easy process to undertake. Living as a learner involves a constant coming to terms with the idea that you know very little; if not anything at all. It's humbling. You're wrong a lot. You're submitting a lot. You spend more time obeying than directing, listening than talking, feeling dumb than feeling smart. And you wonder if you'll ever reach a point in life where you'll become a Master. Most people focus on the mastery of a thing, then from the mastery, they can occupy a place of authority to teach, direct, even control. But when you're the perpetual student, you must always be open and receptive. You must be always ready to change what you once thought, and who you once were.
And what's the tangible benefit? From this eye, I'm not sure there is one. I think it may rather be beneficial to one's ego, social status, or financial situation to master a thing, then define yourself by that thing. For that allows you to better identify yourself, connect with others of a similar identity, and of course, be able to earn a living through that identity. But to be a desired learner? There is no end to this means. It's just what you do until you can't anymore. And when you can't is when you're dead.
We're all life students, and teachable moments will always find us whether we're seeking them, or not. But you've gotta be a different breed of cat to chase life's lessons; and to do it for no beneficial reason other than the sick sensation of always breaking down to rebuild. It's lunacy, and it's also beautiful.
And what's the tangible benefit? From this eye, I'm not sure there is one. I think it may rather be beneficial to one's ego, social status, or financial situation to master a thing, then define yourself by that thing. For that allows you to better identify yourself, connect with others of a similar identity, and of course, be able to earn a living through that identity. But to be a desired learner? There is no end to this means. It's just what you do until you can't anymore. And when you can't is when you're dead.
We're all life students, and teachable moments will always find us whether we're seeking them, or not. But you've gotta be a different breed of cat to chase life's lessons; and to do it for no beneficial reason other than the sick sensation of always breaking down to rebuild. It's lunacy, and it's also beautiful.
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