My Where Have You Been?

So, didn't expect early August to roll around and for me to not have yet posted a single thing on here. In a way, this blog is like a good friend in that its still here even after months of neglect.  Shoot, a good friend, or a fool?  Take your pick.  "So, what the hell, Marq?  Where have you been all of these months?  I was just starting to worry about you.  Had something happened to you?  Did you forget about me?  What happened?"  I always appreciate when people who I never expected to be readers ask me about my posts, or lack thereof in this case.  6 years in, I haven't truly figured out if this is a place for me to get stuff off of my chest, or if I'm actually trying to create content.  A little over 4 years ago, I created "The Dynamic Abstract" to house real content, while this would be a place of musings.  Now, much like the Detox album, that project has been put on hold indefinitely as I've completely lost the web design bug; which is a shame because if I could have ever just got that site up and running, then maybe I would have had a shot at really producing a competent, provocative site.  That said, the project has not been pronounced dead yet, and we'll see what the coming months bring.

Now, where I've been:
So, 2015 so far has basically been defined by one thing: work, work, and more work.  No really, its insane.  Most of you know what a hard worker I am so for me to be exclaiming this is really some next level shit.  Never in my 7.5 years on the job has my itch to leave been stronger, and I'm definitely kicking the tires on new, different, and exciting employment opportunities that may not, in the end, pay as much, but perhaps they'll increase my quality of life.  Maybe a different schedule will lead to greater social opportunities and, as we've established here, its the connections that make life worth living to its full.  Maybe I'll get lucky and find a better paying job with better hours.  Never discount possibilities!

I have to be thankful for the opportunity to post again on Making My Marq because there was a real chance that the last post remained the last post.  In February, I suffered a very fast and violent one-car crash on a rainy freeway while driving to the airport to visit my mom for 60th birth day.  Its freaky to even type about.  I won't get into the particulars here, but I walked away unhurt and was able to fly out the next day.  I had to say good bye to the old reliable '01 Camry, and hello to newer Camry, but I'm just thankful my loved ones weren't saying goodbye to me.  Appreciate life, even when its shitty.

So here's where I'm at: I'm starting to make subtle changes that may turn into big ones.  What do I mean?  Well, if you keep doing the same shit you have been doing, then you're gonna keep getting the same shit you've been getting, no?  Disagree?  Ok.  So, needless to say, life got a little mundane for a dude, and now, whether it be small things such as switching up the workout routine every now and then, to selecting new friends, to trying new things and experimenting just to see what I could get into and enjoy, I'm all for it.

Aaaand, I'm looking to put down the 'single' hat.  I've worn it for 5 years.  Its been real, and it still is.  Having a life partner, though, sounds so much better.  It's challenging, to be sure.  I'm so used to my life being my own so adjusting to the idea of welcoming another into that sacred space is an evolution, but one that I'm ultimately happy to be undergoing.  We'll see how it shakes out.  It takes two and I can't make anyone that I want to be with, want to be with me too.  So I might be single another 5 more years, but the intent to really cultivate a special connection and bond is there and I'll just have to be open to that process.

Anything else?  Um, not really.  Just wanted to sum up the first seven months of 2015, and rekindle the relationship with Making My Marq.  It felt good to just type and jot down again.  Hopefully I can get back to the consistency of posting my thoughts and feelings but its all a matter of feeling.  I don't force it.  I don't look to force anything.  What's good is to know that this will be here and as long as we're both here, I'll always come back to share something.

So, I believe that's it. Welcome to 2015, Making My Marq!!

Hella late n'shit.


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