Revenge of the Snobs

Do you ever get the sense that the pretentious snobs of the world are beginning to regain their footing? We used to be able to make them feel bad about their arrogance, to recoil when they were insensitive to someone less fortunate, less cultured, less educated, less outspoken, less whatever-it-is-that-they-themselves-value. Unfortunately, through this movement of “be proud of who you are”, we’ve given some wind back into the sails of the snobbish ones, and it is they who are now increasingly exuding their snobbery with pride.
When we utter proclamations like “Stand for what you believe in,” we often do so with those standing for just causes in mind. Sometimes, however, the snob who believes that they shit roses will inevitably start standing up for that closely held belief as well.  I guess in the end, its tit for tat; but its also why I spend my time smashing belief systems, rather than people.


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