Leave Me Be

Recently, I haven’t really had much to do.  After bustin' my balls at work, I come home, clang and bang on these weights, and then chill.  Not that much interaction, not that much action.. period.  Some people’s lives are so eventful. It literally takes me a week to experience what they experience in a couple of hours... at least on a social scale.
This is the life of an introvert who would rather not be bothered most of the time except those times when lonesomeness pulls up right in your parking space.
Damn you, Bay Area. I could sit and talk to you for hours but you’re too buried in your phones to look up and see me waving. Then, when you do look up, you’ve always got some stimulation-lacking bullshit to say.  Keep your small talk. We can’t seem to get our schedules to match, nor our brainwaves to link.  We both ask too much of each other at the wrong times, and too little of each other at the right times. 
That’s life here, and sometimes it can irk me. But one thing that I can count on living here: When I want to be left alone, oh I’m gonna be left alone.
For that, I can say “cool”.


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