Productivity by way of Boundaries.

One of the most incredible things about my life this year is that I've only posted on this blog ONE TIME in all of 2013!!!  In all of my days having this 'Making My Marq' blog, I never imagined that I would go a whole year and only post one time.
I have a lot of thoughts, but they have all been fragmented.  I've had a lot of ideas while I've been working, but I haven't been able to articulate them when I got home and in front of this laptop. Sometimes, its the slightest of things that make writing more difficult.  For instance, why did I finally decide to write something today?  It is because I made one subtle but significant change in my home set up.  Finally deciding to keep my apartment clean of clutter, and after visiting the doctor regarding my back pain and being chastised over my bad posture, I decided to get off the couch, and back at my desk.  It has made all the difference in the world and I'm trying not to lament all of the lost time spent trying to make things happen from my couch.
Sometimes defining roles and boundaries are important, even with inanimate objects at home.  The desk is for working, the bed is for sleeping, the couch is for relaxing, and my desk is for working.  It really should remain that way, and I've found that when my couch becomes my workstation, my desk becomes the resting place for the accumulation of unwanted mail, and I'm on my laptop in the bed, then everything goes a bit out of whack.  I don't rest as well. I don't work (or write) as effectively.  I can never fully relax.  My posture goes to hell. In short, I'm never really comfortable in my own damn home.  So organization in the positioning of these items and their purpose has become a quiet yet important adjustment for me.
Subtle tweaks like these help me understand the value of structure as I get older.  I'm hoping that this discipline leads to more productivity, and more thoughtful posts.


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