I'm Back!!!!!

Hey everybody. After almost four months, I am back on the blog doing what I do.  Sorry for the hiatus, I was going through some life changes as well as creating a new website of my own called, thedynamicabstract.com! Click on it for a look at the site designed and composed totally by me. I spent the last three months in a web design class taking all of the info in which mainly consisted of understanding the codes and the programs that go with building a site.  Though I am a beginner, I am happy to call myself a web designer now and more importantly, it felt good to be being challenged once again. Things had become pretty stale in my life and there really wasn't much to challenge me mentally.  Not to mention is the fact that I just got plain lazy overall. I wasn't doing much, wasn't active all that much. Thankfully for me, this experience really helped me get off of my ass once again and start setting and chasing goals.

The challenge of being a web designer is just beginning and I truly have a long way to go.  That's the beauty of this design stuff.  It evolves so it never gets old, never gets tired.  Even  if the work gets tedious and frustrating (and it does), the challenge and the thrill of the challenge is enough to keep my brain working and me getting better.  So therefore I would just like to once again invite you to see thedynamicabstract.com It consist of more of my writing and even links back to this blog site.

It will be a little different in its presentation in that I will comment on more substantial issues besides my personal relationship with life. That is reserved for this space here. So starting now, I will continue to give you the chronicle of my relationship with life, meanwhile thedynamicabstract.com will bring you the chronicle of the dynamic and abstract world we live in. Thanks for your patience and I'm glad to be back!


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